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About Beautiful Flowers And Gifts, Llc.

Beautiful Flowers And Gifts, Llc. is a locally owned and operated flower shop serving the Las...  keep reading

Areas Served

Beautiful Flowers And Gifts, Llc. offers fresh flowers and gifts with same-day delivery options in and around Las Vegas, NV, including:  

Zip Code: 89002 89030 89081 89106 89116 89129 89139 89149 89159 89177 89004 89031 89084 89107 89117 89130 89140 89150 89160 89178 89005 89032 89085 89108 89118 89131 89141 89151 89161 89179 89006 89033 89086 89109 89119 89132 89142 89152 89162 89180 89009 89036 89087 89110 89120 89133 89143 89153 89164 89183 89011 89044 89101 89111 89121 89134 89144 89154 89165 89185 89012 89052 89102 89112 89122 89135 89145 89155 89166 89193 89014 89053 89103 89113 89123 89136 89146 89156 89169 89195 89015 89074 89104 89114 89127 89137 89147 89157 89170 89199 89016 89077 89105 89115 89128 89138 89148 89158 89173

Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Summerlin, Henderson, Blue Diamond, Green Valley,  Boulder city 


Beautiful Flowers And Gifts, Llc. offers a variety of flowers, plants, and gift items. Browse our wide selection of fresh flowers, indoor and outdoor plants, European dish gardens, traditional and contemporary flower designs, funeral and sympathy flowers, wedding bouquets, centerpieces, gift baskets and more! We offer local touch-free flower delivery in and around Las Vegas, Henderson, Summerlin, NV. 


Beautiful Flowers And Gifts, Llc. 3170 Polaris Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89102
phone: (702) 576-4853 & ( 702) 684-3835


Mon: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Tue: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Wed: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Thu: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Fri: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sat: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM